Hon. Marylin Shannon, Chairman of RNC/Life
Former Oregon National Committeewoman to the Republican National Committee
and board member of the Eagle Forum Education & Legal Defense Fund
Tell your Republican state legislators to sign our pledge to end abortion in your state.
Thanks to pro-life heroes like the late Phyllis Schlafly, respect for the sanctity of human life is a defining line between Republicans and Democrats. We must hold state legislators to the sound pro-life plank of the Republican Party Platform.  

Fake pro-lifers in state legislators have to be exposed so voters know who is purporting to represent them. The full text of our pledge is clear, concise, and easy for any true pro-life legislator to put his or her name to.
The Pledge:
I, ________________, pledge to the citizens of the state of ______________ that, in light of the reversal of Roe v. Wade and subsequent decisions by the Supreme Court relating to abortion, I will immediately and proudly support legislation to prohibit providing abortion services within my state.
Republican National Coalition for Life
The Republican National Coalition for Life (RNC/Life) was founded by Phyllis Schlafly in the fall of 1990 and continues to work to protect and defend the Republican Party's principled commitment to legal protection for all innocent human beings, from conception until natural death.

 In addition, we will work to hold Republican lawmakers accountable to the pro-life principles in our platform. It is our desire to see those principles translated into public policy and law. Further, we encourage Republican Party officials to enthusiastically support pro-life candidates and policies consistent with our platform.
Presidential candidate Donald J. Trump speaks at the memorial Mass for Phyllis Schlafly on September 10, 2016.
Republican nominee Donald Trump signs a copy of the 2016 Republican Platform, which called for the defunding of Planned Parenthood, banning dismemberment abortion, and opposed assisted suicide
RNC For Life
Phyllis Schlafly Center ・7800 Bonhomme Avenue, St. Louis, MO・63105・314-721-1213
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